Massaging Benefits

Massage has many physical and emotional benefits for your baby. These Massaging benefits include:

  • Promoting social, emotional, and cognitive development.
  • Helping a baby relax and release tensions of daily stimuli.
  • Decreasing irritability and excessive crying.
  • Reducing gas, colic, and intestinal difficulties.

Baby massages have a variety of benefits. With each gentle stroke, your baby will feel nurtured and loved, strengthening the bond between the two of you. Massages will also allow your baby to feel more relaxed, which may improve their sleep.

It provides relaxation and also strengthens the immune system. Infant massage releases hormones that can assist in relieving discomfort from teething, chest and nose congestion, colic, and emotional stress. Skin stimulation improves brain-body communication.

Massaging benefits Set out a certain time each day to massage the baby when the room is warm and relaxed. Start massaging at least once or twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes.

Your baby will tell you when the message needs to end and which strokes she likes or dislikes. If your baby starts to cry during the massage, she is telling you that she has had enough.

When babies are being massaged, they release oxytocin, the feel-good ‘love’ hormone which calms, soothes, and promotes sleep. Melatonin and serotonin, the sleep-regulating hormones are increased, and cortisol the stress hormone is decreased.

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