Ratanjot Uses & Benefits

Ratanjot / रतनजोत (Hindi name) or Alkanna Tinctoria (Botanical name) is an ancient Ayurvedic herb and is commonly known by many intriguing names: Alkanet (English name), Dyer’s Bugloss, or Hoary Puccoon to name a few. It is 100% Natural. Ratan Jot is famous for its skin clearing abilities and hence it is also used in several face masks, facial cleansing products, etc. Alkanet root can protect the skin from various sorts of infections. Being anti-inflammatory in nature, alkanet is widely used to treat and heal burn scars. This root is rarely used therapeutically, although it has astringent and antimicrobial properties and when used in an ointment, it can treat wounds and relieve skin inflammation. Oil made with alkanet is an emollient that is soothing and softening to the skin.


Oil infused with this herb promotes hair growth. It is a natural hair conditioner and helps arrest premature greying, baldness and hair loss. Regular use of Ratanjot root with Oil will prevent premature greying of hair, also arrests baldness, Ratanjot’s use as a healthy herb dates back to centuries.

Ratanjot Benefits: What are the Different Ratanjot Benefits?

1. Ratanjot for Skin

Ratanjot or Alkanet root has anti-inflammatory properties, and you can use them for skin clearing and healing.  Ratanjot helps protect your skin from a skin infection, inflammation and even treats burn scars. It is widely used in various face masks, and other skin products for healing burn scars due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties and cooling effect to absorb heat out of the skin. This is one of the major Ratanjot benefits for skin.

2.Ratanjot for Hair

There are several benefits of Ratanjot for hair.  Ratanjot or Alkanet can act as a natural dye for your hair. It helps restore and strengthen your hair from the roots. You can use Ratanjot powder for grey hair, as it provides natural color to hair. Ratanjot oil extracted from the roots can address various hair problems such as profuse hair fall, grey hair and avoid symptoms of baldness.


Ratanjot Uses: What are the Top Uses of Ratanjot

 Ratanjot’s Use as Natural Colorant/Dye

Ratanjot fruit changes from a raw green to yellow and becomes a ripened blackish substance which you can use as a natural dye. That is why Ratanjot is also known as dyer’s Alkanet for its characteristic red pigment. This plant is a clear winner from being used as a food dye in different cuisines to adding the classic tinge to rosewood, fabrics, and cosmetics- rouge, lipsticks, or balms.

Ratanjot as Natural Die:

Use it as a natural hair dye by mixing some Ratanjot powder with some Mehendi (henna) in water. Boil the mixture and prepare a thick paste. When cooled down, apply this paste and treat yourself with a home-made hair spa and relax. Rinse your hair, and enjoy the results. According to ayurvedic scientists, this can also benefit your eyesight.

Ratanjot for Hair Fall & Growth:

Ratanjot oil or powder, when mixed with coconut oil or another oil of choice, this’ miracle’ herb can be used for regular head massage. Empirical studies conclude that it helps in hair retention in the longer run. Get the smooth and luscious hair you always desired.

How to use Ratanjot powder for grey hair?

Take 2-3 tablespoons of Ratanjot powder and mix it with Henna powder. Divide your hair into sections and apply the paste to your hair and scalp and leave it at least for an hour. Ratanjot has dyeing properties, and so does Henna. This is the best way to use Ratanjot powder for grey hair. Moreover, it also helps in treating hairfall.

How to use Ratanjot Oil?

Ratanjot oil can prevent grey hair and even promote hair growth. You can make Ratanjot oil for hair easily at home. To make Ratanjot hair oil, take a cup of pure coconut oil and add 2-3 tablespoon of pure castor oil. Then add Fenugreek (Methi) seeds and Ratanjot or Alkanet roots to the oil and boil it. Alternatuvely, you can keep it under the sun for 2-3 days and then use the mixture on your scalp at least 2-3 times a week. Continue using it for 1-2 months to see visible results.


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