Madhuka- Madhuca longifolia (Koen.) is used as a fermenting initiater in many Ayurvedic medicines. It is described in Ayurveda for treating skin diseases, nerve disorders, cough, burning sensation and diarrhea. Madhuca indica is used as synonym Latin name for the plant Madhuka.
Health benefits of Mahua
- Oil extracted from the seeds of the Mahua plant is applied over the area affected with skin diseases and body pain.
- Nasal administration of the fresh juice of the flowers of Mahua is done in diseases of vitiated pitta dosha like headache, burning sensation of the eyes etc.
- To treat weakness of the nerves and diseases of the neuro muscular system.
- To treat Irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.
- To treat hypertension, hiccups and dry cough.
- To treat less sperm count, premature ejaculation and production of less milk in postpartum periods.
- To treat burning micturition, fever and burning sensation of the body.
- Bark decoction is given for managing diabetes.
- Leaves are used in treatment of eczema. The leave are coated with Sesame oil and heated.
- Gargling with bark extract is also useful in acute tonsillitis (inflamed tonsils) and pharyngitis.
- A cup of infusion of bark is taken orally twice a day to cure Diarrhea.
- Seed oil massage is very effective remedy for reducing pain.
- Roots are ground and applied on ulcers.