Sicklepod seed also contains substantial amounts of carbohydrates and proteins. These edible components when freed from anthraquinones have a market in pet food as well as potential in human foods because of the high galactomannan ratio of the polysaccharides.
If ground sicklepod or its water extract could be used on the farm as a soil amendment to inhibit weed germination, or decrease pest populations, fewer herbicides or pesticides might be required.
Cassia Tora is used as a coffee substitute and has a maturing and anodyne action. It is very useful in treating skin diseases like ringworm and itching or body scratch and psoriasis. The alcoholic or vinegar maceration of pounded fresh leaves is used externally to treat eczema and dermatomycosis.
Ayurveda the leaves and seeds
- Acrid.
- Laxative.
- Antiperiodic.
- Anthelmintic.
- Ophthalmic.
- Liver tonic.
- Cardiotonic.
- Expectorant.
- Leprosy.
- Ringworm.
- Flatulence.
- Colic.
- Dyspepsia
- Constipation.
- Cough.
- Bronchitis.
- Cardiac disorders.
Since Senna tora has an external germicide and antiparasitic character, it has been used for treating skin diseases such as leprosy, ringworm, itching and psoriasis and also for snakebites.